Celebrate Kanglui Ni Baoan stand up underwear franchise opened

With the advent of the National Day, Kang Luni Baoan turning underwear to join the shop was closely followed in 2012 September 29 grand opening! In this Kang Lui I wish the franchise National Day wealth rolling, as the Baoan turned shop facade, booming, business is booming!


Kang Lu Ni Baoan stand up underwear store facade


Kang Lu Ni Baoan stand upstairs franchise stores street

Kang Lanyi underwear brand in the country can have a strong brand cohesion is because there is a mature franchise chain service system. Baoan stand over the site selection, decoration program, as shown above, for more information, please visit Kang Lui brand underwear to join http:// Store selection at the corner of the location, the two streets come and go together, there will be more paved pedestrians patronize. Trendy products, low-cost sales is Kang Lui Ni in the underwear industry an important advantage.


Kang Lui Bao Bao stand upstairs underwear store underwear display

Home casual, seamless underwear, sexy bra. Kang Lui Ni underwear brand everything from visual to personal experience, Kang Lui brand underwear quality and creativity are comparable with the international brands. Low price concessions, the latest underwear design, first-class service, welcomed the purchase of consumers in major cities Kang Lu Ni brand underwear!

Underwear joining hotline: 400 -618-1989

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